Imagine Having All Your Bills Paid in a Single Transaction
Reclaim Your Time
What used to take hours of administration now takes minutes. By pooling all of your benefits into a single payroll slot, you can simplify your offerings and management of benefits.
Quicker, More Efficient Transactions Use the web portal to modify bill entries, view and update account data, setup, modify, or terminate accounts, and exchange information with your administrator via HIPAA compliant security.
Timely Payments Never worry about your payments being delayed or lost. Get your bills set up with help from our administrative staff. Once they’re ready to go, you can set and forget all about your bill pay.
Understand Your Benefits Usage Better Access each employee’s personalized “hidden paycheck” value for the benefits provided to get a better understanding of your costs. Use this data to improve employee appreciation and employee retention.
Instant Reporting Get a glimpse of your past and present bill pay, monitor all bill-paying activities and generate custom defined reports in seconds. With instant reporting, all of your billing and payment information is at your fingertips.
Ready to see your billing in action? Schedule a demo of Unified Billing and our entire turn-key voluntary benefits packages from McGrath Affinity Benefits.
Your people deserve the best. Your business deserves to give your team the best. Let us help you create a loyal workforce by cultivating the right benefits packages and services for your team
Everything we do centers around giving you and your people the best experience. We know you have a lot on your plate. That’s why, from start to finish, we actively work to streamline your team’s benefits experience.